WD Premium
$159.99WD Premium contains 2 extra wireless sensors a one-year subscription to the WDdashboard. The dashboard incorporates an app with device overview, notification and remote control. The bundle also contains a WIFI connected hub allowing for wireless sensors, email notifications and dashboard access.
It primarily functions as a automatic water shut-off in events of water leaks or broken pipes. Included is a ball valve in 3/4in or 1/2in configurations. It also features a wireless sensor for monitoring leaks anywhere in your home as well as a 6ft long wired sensor and an auditory alarm that will warn of leaks and broken pipes.
WD Standard
$119.99WD Standard contains a WIFI connected hub allowing for wireless sensors, email notifications and an app based dashboard with remote overview, notification and control.
It primarily functions as a automatic water shut-off in events of water leaks or broken pipes. Included is a ball valve in 3/4in or 1/2in configurations. It also features a wireless sensor for monitoring leaks anywhere in your home as well as a 6ft long wired sensor and an auditory alarm that will warn of leaks and broken pipes.
Wine bottle lantern
$399.00Consequat a scelerisque suspendisse vel et eget eu vitae adipiscing nibh scelerisque semper cum adipiscing facilisis adipiscing est accumsan lorem vestibulum. Aliquet mus a aptent ullam corper metus accumsan. Habitasse a purus nec ipsum a urna ac ullamcorper varius metus blandit posuere.
Wooden single drawer
$399.00Placerat tempor dolor eu leo ullamcorper et magnis habitant ultrices consectetur arcu nulla mattis fermentum adipiscing a et bibendum sed platea malesuada eget vestibulum tempor dolor eu leo ullamcorper et magnis habitant ultrices consectetur.